Tag Archives: politeness

Cultural Differences Between Chinese and Westerners: Part 1

Cultural Differences Between Chinese and Westerners: Part 1 浅谈中西文化差异(上)   During the last century, contact between Chinese and Westerners was relatively limited, and both people knew little about the other. Now we have more opportunities than ever for exchange. With that, however, comes a need for greater understanding of cultural differences. Today I’d like to […]

15+ Ways To Say “You’re Welcome”

It is true that we have quite a few ways to express “you’re welcome” in English – “no problem”, “no worries”, “forget it”, “my pleasure”, “not at all”, to name a few. But how about Chinese? Here, I think, is the most exhaustive list you’ll find on the web: 不客气 bù kèqi (variants: 不用客气 bùyòng […]