Tag Archives: notetaking

Note Taking During a PhD 在博士期间做笔记

Note Taking During a PhD在博士期间做笔记 By Tara Brabazon 塔拉·布拉巴赞著Office of Graduate Research 研究生院Flinders University 弗林德斯大学Adelaide, South Australia 南澳大利亚阿德莱德 Tara talks about one of the most basic – yet one of the most powerful – academic skills: note taking. How can PhD students future proof their notes to build a research career? 塔拉谈到一个非常基本,却很重要的学术技能——记笔记。博士生如何记好含金量高的笔记来保证以后有自己的“金饭碗”?