Tag Archives: immigration
Vocabulary for the NAATI Professional Interpreting Examination (English and Chinese)
As I just took my NAATI Professional Interpreting Exam (NAATI三級口譯考試) last week, I thought I’d share with you the vocabulary that I have collected over the past year in preparing for it. There are ten glossaries in total, each with 30 words in total, including: 30 Legal Terms in English and Chinese 30 Medical Terms […]
Mandarin English Dialogue #34 – Onshore Protection Visa
Briefing The following is a taped interview between an Indonesian Chinese named Lia and an immigration officer named Shawn from the Onshore Protection Department. Listen to Dialogue Mandarin English Dialogue #34 – Onshore Protection Visa
Mandarin-English Dialogue #12 – Becoming an Australian Citizen
Briefing This is a phone conversation between Miss Miao, a Mandarin-speaking woman, and an officer at the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Miao is making enquiries about applying for Australian citizenship. Listen to Dialogue Mandarin-English Dialogue #12 – Becoming an Australian Citizen
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