Tag Archives: government
English-Chinese Glossary of Australian Courts, Tribunals, Justice Entities and Complaints Bodies 澳大利亚法院、仲裁庭、司法机关和投诉机构英汉列表
I made this glossary to help students familiarise themselves with the names of the courts, tribunals and other important organisations in Australia that they will come into contact with as court interpreters. You can download the glossary here. Enjoy!
Australian Government Departments and Agencies with Translations into Chinese
I just made a new glossary. I hope students, teachers and practitioners of translation and interpreting in Australia find it useful! Australian Government Departments and Agencies with Translations into Chinese 《澳大利亚政府部门和机构英汉翻译列表》 Download the PDF here.
Interpreting Speech #20 – Achievements of China’s Space Program (Mandarin-into-English)
Briefing You have been asked to interpret for a representative from the Chinese space program. Your translation will be used by mainstream media from around the Anglosphere. Listen to Speech Interpreting Speech #20 – Achievements of China’s Space Program (Mandarin-into-English) Transcript and reference translation
Interpreting Speech #18 – Blue Bays Program (Mandarin-into-English)
Briefing You have been called to interpret at a conference on environmental protection in Tianjin. Your client is a government representative who is introducing the Blue Bays Program which aims to improve the quality of marine environments in China. Listen to Speech Interpreting Speech #18 – Blue Bays Program (Mandarin-into-English) Transcript and reference translation
Interpreting Speech #10 – Frankston City Council (English-into-Mandarin)
Briefing Here is the briefing. You do not need to interpret the briefing. You have been called to interpret for a visiting delegation from China. They are attending an information session being held by an employee of Frankston City Council. End of briefing. Speech starts now. Listen to Speech Interpreting Speech #10 – Frankston City […]
Interpreting Speech #7 – Australia’s Ageing Population (English-into-Mandarin)
Briefing You are interpreting for a Chinese delegation who are attending a talk about Australia’s population issues. The speaker is giving a presentation about the challenges associated with Australia’s ageing population. Listen to Speech Interpreting Speech #7 – Australia’s Ageing Population (English-into-Mandarin)
Interpreting Speech #3 – Private Enterprises (Mandarin-into-English)
Briefing A Chinese finance expert is giving an impromptu speech at an international conference about the state of private enterprises in China. Listen to Speech Interpreting Speech #3 – Private Enterprises (Mandarin-into-English)
Interpreting Speech #2 – Victorian Parliament (English-into-Mandarin)
Briefing You have been called to interpret for a tour guide at the Parliament of Victoria. The guide is giving a talk to a visiting delegation from China about the history and function of the building. Listen to Dialogue Interpreting Speech #2 – Victorian Parliament (English-into-Mandarin)
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