Tag Archives: ethics

Lecture #5: Professional Development: An Ethical Notion

10th AUSIT Queensland Branch Mini ConferenceUniversity of Queensland, Brisbane24 August 20249:20-10:00amCarl Gene Fordham“Professional Development: An Ethical Notion” Listen to Audio Lecture #5: Professional Development: An Ethical Notion Introduction First I’d like to thank Eyal Chipkiewicz, Carina Mackenzie and the other members of the Queensland branch for taking the time to organise this very special event. […]

Vocabulary for the NAATI Professional Interpreting Examination (English and Chinese)

As I just took my NAATI Professional Interpreting Exam (NAATI三級口譯考試) last week, I thought I’d share with you the vocabulary that I have collected over the past year in preparing for it. There are ten glossaries in total, each with 30 words in total, including: 30 Legal Terms in English and Chinese 30 Medical Terms […]