Category Archives: PhD Resources

My PhD Comprehensive Examination (Mock) 我的博士研究生综合考试(模拟)

在中国大陆吗?你也可以在哔哩哔哩上观看。 This is how I will respond to my upcoming comprehensive examination. 今天给大家分享我的模拟综合考试。

Most Common Corrections from a PhD Examination 博士论文盲审最常见的修改要求

By Tara Brabazon 塔拉·布拉巴赞著Office of Graduate Research 研究生院Flinders University 弗林德斯大学Adelaide, South Australia 南澳大利亚阿德莱德 Tara introduces the — easily avoided — corrections to doctoral theses that emerge during the examination process.塔拉介绍在博士论文盲审过程中经常出现的论文修改要求。如果博士生遵循塔拉的建议,他们很容易就可以避免这些错误。 Problems with the Bibliography 参考文献有问题 Many examiners examine the bibliography (reference list) before reading the thesis itself. 很多外校导师在阅读论文正文前会直接考察参考文献部分。 We are looking for length, depth, and […]

Transdisciplinarity 跨学科研究

Transdisciplinarity 跨学科研究 By Tara Brabazon 塔拉·布拉巴赞著Office of Graduate Research 研究生院Flinders University 弗林德斯大学Adelaide, South Australia 南澳大利亚阿德莱德 Tara probes the specific, specialist, considered and careful definitions and applications of transdisciplinarity. To solve wicked problems, transdisciplinarity is a powerful engine for knowledge. 塔拉探讨跨学科的具体、专业、经过深思熟虑的定义和应用。为了解决“棘手问题”(wicked problems),跨学科研究是为知识准备的强大引擎。

Note Taking During a PhD 在博士期间做笔记

Note Taking During a PhD在博士期间做笔记 By Tara Brabazon 塔拉·布拉巴赞著Office of Graduate Research 研究生院Flinders University 弗林德斯大学Adelaide, South Australia 南澳大利亚阿德莱德 Tara talks about one of the most basic – yet one of the most powerful – academic skills: note taking. How can PhD students future proof their notes to build a research career? 塔拉谈到一个非常基本,却很重要的学术技能——记笔记。博士生如何记好含金量高的笔记来保证以后有自己的“金饭碗”?

20 Quick Tips to Increase the Speed of your PhD 助你更快完成PhD的二十条忠告

20 Quick Tips to Increase the Speed of your PhD助你更快完成PhD的二十条忠告 By Tara Brabazon 塔拉·布拉巴赞著Office of Graduate Research 研究生院Flinders University 弗林德斯大学Adelaide, South Australia 南澳大利亚阿德莱德 Finishing a PhD is all that matters. An unfinished PhD remains a wound in a life. It can heal. But there is a scar. So how can you finish a PhD at […]