You have been asked to interpret for a representative from the Chinese space program. Your translation will be used by mainstream media from around the Anglosphere.
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Interpreting Speech #20 – Achievements of China’s Space Program (Mandarin-into-English)
Transcript and reference translation
每当提到高科技,我就无不为祖国在科技领域的成就而倍感自豪。今天我想谈谈中国在航天事业上的卓越成就。说到航天,就不能不提中国人的飞天梦,说到中国人的飞天梦,就不能不提到中国的飞天人。I have long been proud of the achievements my mother country, China, has made in the fields of science and technology, especially cutting-edge technology. Today I would like to discuss China’s outstanding achievements in the aerospace industry, as well as the Chinese people’s dream of space travel, with a focus on the role China’s astronauts, or taikonauts, have played.
杨利伟、费俊龙、聂海胜等11名曾经出征太空的航天员,是中国飞天人的典型代表。20年来,神秘的太空已经见证6次11位中国航天员的身影。这个英雄的群体也为我国载人航天从无到有、从弱到强,快速发展立下了赫赫战功。There are eleven people — Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong, Nie Haisheng, and others — who have traveled into space. They are quintessential representatives of China’s taikonauts. Over the past 20 years, these eleven people have ventured into space six times. This group of heroes has contributed to the rapid development of China’s manned spaceflight — from zero to hero, from weak to strong.
2003年,宇宙太空第一次迎来了中国访客——中国航天员杨利伟,中华民族千年飞天梦就此实现。2005年,神舟六号,航天员费俊龙、聂海胜征战太空,实现了中国载人航天飞行从“一人一天”到“多人多天”的重大跨越。In 2003, outer space welcomed a Chinese visitor for the first time — Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei — and the Chinese nation’s long-held aspiration of spaceflight was realized. In 2005, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng travelled into space on the Shenzhou 6, marking a major leap in China’s manned spaceflight program from one person a day to multiple people over many days.
2008年,神舟七号,航天员翟志刚完成中国的首次空间出舱活动,挥舞国旗,实现了中国人与太空的第一次亲密接触。2012年,神舟九号,航天员刘旺完成手控交会对接技术,叩开了中国首个太空家园的大门。In 2008, Zhai Zhigang completed China’s first extravehicular activity on Shenzhou 7 and waved the national flag, realizing China’s first intimate contact with space. In 2012, Liu Wang completed the hand-controlled rendezvous and docking technology on Shenzhou 9 and knocked on the door of China’s first space home.
2013年,航天员王亚平站在世界最高讲台开展太空授课,2016年,航天员景海鹏、陈冬33天的太空之旅,首次实现中期在轨驻留,为后续中国空间站建造运营奠定了更加坚实的基础。In 2013, Wang Yaping stood on the world’s highest podium to give lectures in space. In 2016, the 33-day space journey by Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong achieved mid-term on-orbit residency for the first time, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent construction and operation of the Chinese space station.
不断突破,不断创造新的辉煌,这是20年来中国载人航天事业留给世界的深刻印象,然而辉煌的背后,离不开中国航天员20年的拼搏与坚守。在执行航天任务之前,他们都是有过1000多小时驾机经验的优秀飞行员。Over the past two decades, China’s manned spaceflight industry has continually made breakthroughs that have impressed the world. However, behind that brilliance is the hard work and perseverance of Chinese astronauts. Before performing space missions, they were all outstanding pilots, clocking up more than 1,000 hours of flying experience.
征战太空是从来都是一项高风险的事业,航天员要承受超重、失重、低压等特殊环境因素的严峻考验,挑战的是生理和心理的承受极限。但是,经过5年的严格训练,两批21名航天员,都顺利通过全部课程和训练科目的考核,创造了世界航天员训练零淘汰率的纪录。Space exploration has always been a high-risk undertaking. Astronauts have to withstand the severe tests of special environmental factors such as overloading, weightlessness, and low pressure, and challenge their physical and psychological limits. However, after five years of rigorous training, two batches of 21 taikonauts passed all their training courses, resulting in a zero elimination rate for astronaut training and a new world record.
过去的5年,中国载人航天事业进入了加速发展阶段。神舟十号、天宫二号、神舟十一号接连升空,无论是飞行时间,还是空间科学实验和技术试验项目的数量上,都超过了以往任务的总和,对航天员各方面的考验也是前所未有。Over the past five years, China’s manned space industry has entered a stage of accelerated development. We have seen the launch of Shenzhou 10, Tiangong 2 and Shenzhou 11. Both the flight time and the number of space science experiments and technical test projects have surpassed that of previous missions, and the tests for astronauts in all aspects have been unprecedented.
20年来,6次飞天,6次凯旋,人们记住的是11位执行过任务的航天英雄的名字,因为机会有限,21名航天员中,还有10位至今尚未实现飞天梦想,这10人中有5位航天员因为年龄超过黄金飞行期,不得不遗憾退役。Over the past two decades there have been six teams that have journeyed into space, all of which returned in triumph. What people remember is the names of the 11 space heroes who have performed missions. Because of the limited opportunities, 10 of the 21 astronauts have yet to realize their dream of spaceflight. Regrettably, five of these 10 astronauts had to retire because their age exceeded the golden flight period.
中国航天员们20年来不忘初心,用行动践行着自己的誓言。20年来他们一次次载誉而归,一次次成就英雄传奇。我们祝中国航天员再创辉煌。为中国航天加油!为中国成为世界航天大国而喝彩!Over the past 20 years, the taikonauts have not forgotten their original aspirations and have put their vows into practice. They have returned with fame time and time again and have become legends in their own right. We wish the taikonauts and the Chinese space program the greatest success and hope that China may become a world aerospace power.
Adapted for educational purposes from 《焦点访谈》20180122矢志不渝探太空.
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