Here is the briefing. You do not need to interpret the briefing.
You have been called to interpret for a visiting delegation from China. They are attending an information session being held by an employee of Frankston City Council.
End of briefing. Speech starts now.
Listen to Speech
Interpreting Speech #10 – Frankston City Council (English-into-Mandarin)
Transcript and reference translation
Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to Frankston.
First I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to visit us. I trust you’ve had a productive week touring Victoria, and I look forward to speaking to you later about any questions or concerns you might have.
Frankston City Council’s vision is to build and maintain a sustainable metropolis on the bay. Our mission is to lead a connected community, and deliver services and infrastructure which ensure our residents can enjoy a vibrant, inclusive and relaxed lifestyle choice.
The Frankston Municipality covers 131 square kilometres and includes 10 kilometres of coastline and nine suburbs. Our current population is 117,804 and is expected to grow to 136,600 by 2031. 25% of residents are under the age of 17 and 47% are under 34 years. 20.8% were born overseas, mainly from the UK and New Zealand.
弗兰克斯顿市的行政范围有131平方公里,包括10公里的海岸线处和九个郊区。我们目前的人口是117804 人,预计人口在2031年增长到136600 。25%的居民是17岁以下,47%的居民是34岁以下。 20.8%的人口是在海外出生,主要来自英国和新西兰。
End of Part One. You have 15 seconds to check your notes.
Part Two starts now.
As leaders of our community, we guide our residents in making decisions tha0.t shape future planning. We work hard to obtain funding from both the state and federal governments. This has allowed us to, for example, build a new aquatic centre, as well as boost police presence.
Community safety is a major focus. We have four dedicated officers who patrol the city centre. We have also increased funding for CCTV cameras and graffiti removal. There are plans to trial smoke-free areas as well.
Support for families is also a big part of our job. 596 families used our day care service last year, and 1,721 kindergarten applications and 1,834 birth notifications were processed. With the help of a large team of volunteers, we also provide 62,414 meals on wheels to the elderly members of our community.
Well, I think that provides a pretty good overview of what we do here at Council. I’d be happy to take any questions that you might have now. Thank you.
为家庭提供支持也是我们工作的一个重要组成部分。去年,有596个家庭使用了我们日托服务,处理了1721 个幼儿园的申请和1834个出生通知。在大量志愿者团队的帮助下,我们也为社区里的年长者提供了 62414份上门送餐服务。
End of speech.
As a native Chinese speaker I found your translation at a startling high level. What’s equally surprising is the speaker does not have the “Australian accent” I was expecting. Since translation is very hard – only your mistakes stand out and bystanders have different opinions, I would like to offer my opinions on somethings for you to consider:
(1) “I trust you’ve had a productive week touring Victoria” – “希望你们来维多利亚州游览一个星期收获很多” here you are in an unfortunately spot of a cultural issue. When the Chinese officials visit a foreign country, especially a sister town, the last thing they want is to be considered they were taking a tour of personal pleasure using public fund (TBH that is what they do most of the time). So officially I would recommend translating “touring” into something more serious and work-related, such as “调研”
Thanks for your input.
As a Chinese. I donot think 调研 is better then 游览
(2) “Frankston City Council’s vision” – “弗兰克斯顿市政厅的憧憬” considering the context I would translate “vision” into something like “长远规划”. While “远景” is another ok translation, it does sound a bit too English.
Or probably use the word ‘愿景’ to translate ‘vision’.