As I just took my NAATI Professional Interpreting Exam (NAATI三級口譯考試) last week, I thought I’d share with you the vocabulary that I have collected over the past year in preparing for it.
There are ten glossaries in total, each with 30 words in total, including:
- 30 Legal Terms in English and Chinese
- 30 Medical Terms in English and Chinese
- 30 Finance & Banking Terms in English and Chinese
- 30 Business Terms in English and Chinese
- 30 Housing Terms in English and Chinese
- 30 Education Terms in English and Chinese
- 30 Employment Terms in English and Chinese
- 30 Social Welfare Terms in English and Chinese
- 30 Immigration Terms in English and Chinese
- 30 Ethics Terms in English and Chinese
If you can spot any translation errors please do not hesitate to let me know in the comments section. Many of these terms are tricky to get right!
Vocabulary for the NAATI Professional Interpreting Examination
These glossaries have been prepared by Carl Gene Fordham and Michael Zuo. Please do not reproduce without crediting us and always link back to this blog, 一步一個腳印!
Glossary 1
30 Legal Terms in English and Chinese
- contraband: 違禁品
- racket (illegal business): 非法勾當
- child support (maintenance): 兒童撫養費
- plea bargaining: 認罪協商
- waiver: 棄權證書
- be violent towards sb (resort to violence): 動粗
- helpline: 求助熱線
- re-enter society: 重新踏入社會
- confess to a crime: 供認有罪
- police statement (witness statement): 證人證言;證人陳述書
- affidavit: 宣誓書
- be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt: 無可置疑證明有罪
- gang of hooligans: 流氓團夥
- sharp objects: 尖銳物品
- stolen property: 贓物
- court order: 法令
- apprehended violence order: 暴力禁制令
- injunction: 禁制令
- public trustee: 公共受託機構
- trustee (fiduciary): 受託人
- flight risk: 潛逃風險
- smuggled goods: 水貨
- anger management: 情緒控制
- police raid: 突擊搜查
- force majeure (act of God): 不可抗力
- no win, no fee: 不贏不收費
- juvenile delinquency (youth crime): 青少年犯罪
- sniffer dog: 緝毒犬
- Crime Stoppers: 罪案舉報熱線
- Neighbourhood Watch: 鄰居守望組織
Glossary 2
30 Medical Terms in English and Chinese
- palliative care: 臨終關懷
- hip replacement: 髖關節置換手術
- medical certificate: 醫療證明書
- traumatic brain injury: 創傷性腦損傷
- ophthalmologist: 眼科醫生
- optometrist: 驗光師
- get glasses: 配眼鏡
- have a hearing aid fitted: 配助聽器
- intravenous injection (IV): 靜脈注射
- enlarged prostate: 前列腺肥大
- food contamination: 食品污染
- cooked and uncooked food: 生的和熟的食物
- enema: 灌腸
- suppository: 栓劑
- neck brace; cervical collar: 護頸套
- first aid kit: 急救箱
- eat small but frequent meals: 少吃多餐
- vital capacity and lung volume: 肺活量和肺容量
- biopsy: 切片檢查
- lesion: 病灶
- elective surgery: 非緊急手術
- paramedic: 救護員
- saturated, unsaturated and trans fat: 飽和脂肪、不飽和脂肪、反式脂肪
- latex condom: 乳膠安全套
- antidepressant: 抗抑鬱藥
- grind one’s teeth: 磨牙
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU): 重病監護室
- In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF): 體外人工受精
- Royal Flying Doctor Service: 皇家飛行醫生服務
- World Health Organization (WHO): 世界衛生組織
Glossary 3
30 Finance & Banking Terms in English and Chinese
- foreign-exchange reserve: 外匯儲備
- economic recession: 經濟衰退
- hedge fund: 對沖基金
- mutual fund: 共同基金
- capital gains tax: 資本增值稅
- fringe benefits tax: 員工福利稅
- council rates: 市政稅(物業稅)
- body corporate: 物業公司
- savings account: 儲蓄賬戶
- transactions account: 交易賬戶
- collateral: 抵押物
- home loan (mortgage): 房屋貸款
- foreclosure: 法院拍賣房屋
- deposit (down payment): 定金
- taxable income: 應納稅收入
- taxpayer: 納稅人
- house and contents insurance: 房屋財產險
- insurance policy: 保險計劃
- excess fee: 墊底費
- insurance premium: 保險費
- GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 國內生產總值
- GNP (Gross National Product): 國民生產總值
- market price: 市場價
- leverage; gearing: 資金槓桿
- Citibank: 花旗銀行
- bank statement: 銀行對賬單
- cash flow: 現金流
- loan default (default on a loan): 貸款違約
- negative gearing: 負扣稅
- rate of return: 回報率
Glossary 4
30 Business Terms in English and Chinese
- overhead expenses: 經營費用
- wholesale rate: 批發價
- business acumen: 商業本領
- branch office: 分公司
- newsletter: 實事通訊;期刊
- niche market: 有利可圖的市場;利基市場
- telemarketing: 電話營銷
- retailer: 零售商
- wholesaler: 批發商
- distributor: 經銷商
- do inventory (take stock): 盤點;理貨
- boutique: 精品店
- collectibles: 收藏品
- consumer watchdog: 消費者監管機構
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI): 關鍵績效指標
- bricks-and-mortar shop: 實體店
- flea market: 跳蚤市場
- advertising campaign: 廣告活動
- senior management (executives): 高管
- bill of lading: 提單
- FOB (Free on Board): 離岸價
- CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight): 到岸價
- Cash On Delivery (COD): 貨到付款
- packaging: 包裝
- put on layby: 分期付款
- Chamber of Commerce: 商會
- sole trader: 個體戶
- self-employed: 自我僱傭
- entrepreneurship: 創業精神
- intellectual property: 知識產權
Glossary 5
30 Housing Terms in English and Chinese
- zoning: 分區
- industrial, commercial and residential areas: 工業、商業和居民區
- detached house: 獨棟別墅
- utilities: 水電煤
- utility pole: 電線杆
- surveyor: 測量員
- garbage disposal unit: 垃圾處理裝置
- chopping board: 砧板
- rangehood: 抽油煙機
- extension cord: 電源延長線
- property condition report: 房屋狀況報告
- cement: 水泥
- concrete: 混凝土
- fence: 柵欄
- mousetrap: 捕鼠器
- exhaust fan: 抽風機
- dressing table: 梳妝台
- bedside table: 床頭櫃
- real estate developer: 開發商
- bunk bed: 雙層床
- walk-in wardrobe: 嵌入式衣櫃
- beanbag: 懶人沙發
- bedspread: 床罩
- fitted sheet: 床墊套
- mattress protector: 床墊保護罩
- mosquito net: 蚊帳
- fluorescent light: 螢光燈
- granny flat: 單間小屋
- garage sale: 車庫大甩賣
- Blu-Tack: 藍丁膠
Glossary 6
30 Education Terms in English and Chinese
- co-education: 男女同校
- higher education: 高等教育
- corporal punishment: 體罰
- open day: 公開日
- peer pressure: 來自同齡人的壓力
- supply teacher (substitute/relief teacher): 代課老師
- music appreciation: 音樂鑑賞
- compulsory course: 必修課
- elective course: 選修課
- lesson plan: 教案
- discipline: 管教;紀律;學科
- expel (expulsion): 勒令退學
- suspend (suspension): 勒令停學
- teacher’s aide (teaching assistant): 助教
- misbehave (act out): 不良行為;不守規矩
- truancy (play truant; skip class): 逃學;翹課
- zone out: 走神
- doze off; nod off: 打瞌睡
- sick bay: 醫務室
- bullying: 欺凌;欺負
- fall in with the wrong crowd (go astray): 誤入歧途
- parenting: 親子教育;教養
- child care: 托兒服務
- parent-teacher interview: 家長會
- curriculum: 課程
- syllabus: 課程大綱
- Technical and Further Education (TAFE): 技術與繼續教育
- Registered Training Organisation (RTO): 註冊培訓機構
- Vocational Education and Training (VET): 職業教育與培訓
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): 先前學習認定
Glossary 7
30 Employment Terms in English and Chinese
- cash-in-hand job: 現金支付的工作
- minimum adult wage: 最低成人工資
- industry award: 勞資裁定協議
- underpay employees: 苛扣員工工資
- peak body: 最高機構
- transferable skills: 可轉用技能
- breadwinner: 養家餬口的人
- make ends meet: 維持生活
- office workers: 上班族
- flight attendant: 空乘
- job fair (career fair): 人才市場
- employability: 就業能力
- livelihood: 生計
- trade (technical job): 技術工作
- Fair Work Ombudsman: 公平工作調查專員
- unfair dismissal: 不公平解僱
- industrial relations: 勞資關係
- remuneration: 待遇;報酬
- superannuation: 退休公積金
- sick leave: 病假
- annual leave: 年假
- compassionate leave: 事假
- parental leave: 產假
- long service leave: 長期服務假
- lay off (make redundant; downsize): 裁員
- retrenchment: 精簡人員
- severance pay: 遣散費
- work cover: 工傷保險
- perk: 福利
- Occupational Health & Safety (OHS): 職業健康與安全
Glossary 8
30 Social Welfare Terms in English and Chinese
- Department of Human Services: 社會服務部
- welfare payment: 福利金
- allowance: 津貼
- subsidy: 補助金
- Newstart Allowance: 新開始補助金
- Austudy: 助學金
- Youth Allowance: 青年津貼
- Medicare: 全民醫保
- foster care: 寄養家庭
- adopted child: 養子
- adoptive parents: 養父母
- means test: 經濟情況調查
- disadvantaged group: 弱勢群體
- DisabilityCare: 殘疾人關愛計劃
- disabled access: 殘疾人通道
- ramp: 斜坡
- handrail: 扶手
- pensioner: 領養老金的人
- supporting documentation: 支持文件
- waiting list: 候補名單
- respite care: 照顧者暫休服務
- plain English: 通俗易懂的英語
- women’s refuge (women’s shelter): 婦女庇護所
- crisis centre: 危機中心
- social worker: 社工
- youth worker: 青年工作者
- aged care: 老人護理
- nursing home (aged care facility): 養老院
- Language Other Than English (LOTE): 除英語以外的語言
- Non-English Speaking Background (NESB): 非講英語背景
Glossary 9
30 Immigration Terms in English and Chinese
- refugee: 難民
- asylum seeker: 尋求庇護者
- persecution: 迫害
- boat people: 船民
- detention centre: 拘留所
- offshore processing: 境外審理
- illegal immigration: 非法移民;偷渡犯;黑民
- customs: 海關
- citizenship: 公民身份
- dual citizenship: 雙國籍
- green card: 綠卡
- ambassador: 大使
- embassy: 大使館
- consul: 領事
- consulate: 領事館
- consul general: 總領事
- consulate general: 總領事館
- visa overstay (overstay one’s visa): 逾期停留
- visa rejection (have one’s visa rejected): 拒簽
- deport (deportation; removal): 驅逐出境
- assimilate into society (integrate with society): 融入社會
- Department of Immigration and Border Protection: 移民及邊境保護部
- skilled migration: 技術移民
- partner immigration: 伴侶移民
- sponsorship: 擔保
- family reunion: 家庭團聚
- working holiday: 假期工作
- permanent residence: 永久居民
- bridging visa: 過橋簽證
- Expression of Interest (EOI): 表達興趣
Glossary 10
30 Ethics Terms in English and Chinese
- code of ethics: 道德準則
- ethical principles: 道德原則
- professional conduct: 職業操守
- integrity: 正直
- punctuality: 準時
- tip (gratuity): 小費
- confidentiality: 保守機密
- disclose information: 披露信息
- competence: 勝任能力
- impartiality: 保持中立
- be partial to (take sides with): 偏袒
- bias (prejudice): 偏見
- detachment: 超然態度
- withdraw from an assignment: 退出任務
- express personal views: 發表私人意見
- conflict of interest: 利益衝突
- accuracy: 準確性
- distortion (translation error): 改變意思;翻譯錯誤
- omission: 遺漏
- clarity of role boundaries: 明確職業界限
- advocacy: 倡導
- maintain professional relationships: 維護職業關係
- freelancer: 自由職業者
- contractor: 承包商
- professional development: 職業發展
- continuous study: 繼續學習
- professional solidarity: 行業團結
- dispute: 糾紛
- mediation: 調解
- mediator: 調解員
These glossaries have been prepared by Carl Gene Fordham and Michael Zuo. Please do not reproduce without crediting us and always link back to this blog, 一步一個腳印!
Hi, Carl, i think this is great. Thank you. I can use them to prepare my professional interpreting test in the future.
This is quite an extensive list. Out of curiosity, what did the interpreting test entail? With such a list, I can only imagine the process being excessively exhausting. What techniques did you use to learn such a list? Did you learn only for recognition, that is, for passive vocab? Or did you learn for both recognition and recall? The latter is much more taxing on the brain, but a much thorough way to learn.
Hi Carl, the “be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt”, my opinion is” 排除合理怀疑后证明其罪”
Let me know if you agree with it.
Hello Carl, thank you very much for the vocabulary lists. I am studying both EnglishChinese and EnglishJapanese interpreting course at TAFE, and I found your lists are very useful.
I have just a few comments regarding the Chinese meaning, I am happy to discuss the following with you and I look forward to know your opinion.
1) Gloggsary9-Immigration, No.10 dual citizenship: 雙國籍->雙重國籍
2) Gloggsary9-Immigration, No.28 permanent residence: 永久居民->永久居民身分 residents居住者, residency居住権
3) Gloggsary10-Ethics, No.4 integrity: 正值->正直;誠実
4) Gloggsary10-Ethics, No.21 advocacy: 倡導 ->倡導;主张;拥护;辩护
Thank you for attention.
Hi Carl,
Small error. I think “integrity” should be 正直 not 正值.
Good catch. Fixed now.
Any thoughts on 物业公司?I get that 物业管理 has to do with actual property management, so 物业管理公司 is a property management company. But how does 物业公司 become “body corporate”? According to my own open-source research, “body corporate” is basically just another word for a legal entity, 即法人实体。 I’m so confused!
is there a way to access them in simplified?
You can use Google Translate to convert them into simplified. (Copy and paste)
Hi Carol, thanks for the information. I wonder if these are applicable to the translation test as well? and mind if I ask if you are from Taiwan? thanks!
There are no vocabulary lists available for the translation test, as you could be tested on almost any field. And I’m from Australia. Cheers.
Thank you so much for sharing. Btw, we usually say 一步一腳印 instead of 一個腳印(without 個/个)。Love it that that translation is in Traditional Chinese. Have a good one.