104 More Common Erhuayin Words in Mandarin

This is a follow-up to my previous post about 128 Common Erhuayin Words in Mandarin.

  1. 天儿 tiānr: 1. day 今天是什么天儿?What’s the day today? 2. weather
    1. 聊天儿: to chat
    2. 大白天儿说梦话:to talk in a delusional fashion; to speak as if one’s head is in the clouds; to sound as if one is daydreaming
  2. 影儿 yǐngr: shadow
    1. 电影儿: movie
    2. 没影儿: 1. be out of sight 2. be groundless/fantastic 3. disappear without a trace
  3. 鱼儿 yúr: fish
    1. 金鱼儿 goldfish
  4. 鸟儿 niǎor: bird
  5. 雏儿 chúr: 1. a newly hatched bird 2. an inexperienced person 3. chick (girl)
  6. 勺儿 sháor: spoon
  7. 桃儿 táor: peach
  8. 尖儿 jiānr: tip; point; top
  9. 球儿 qiúr: ball
    1. 煤球儿: charcoal briquette
    2. 棒球儿: baseball
    3. 小皮球儿: little rubber/leather ball
  10. 芽儿 yár: sprout; shoot; bud
    1. 豆芽儿: bean sprout
  11. 乐儿 lèr: fun; pleasure
    1. 逗乐儿: to amuse oneself; clown around
  12. 条儿 tiáor: something thin and long
    1. 面条儿: noodles
    2. 便条儿: note
  13. 窗儿 chuāngr: window
    1. 天窗儿: skylight 打开天窗儿说亮话。Let’s be frank.
  14. 缝儿 fèngr: crack
    1. 裂缝儿: crack; crevice
    2. 门缝儿: crack between a door and its frame
  15. 船儿 chuánr: boat
    1. 小船儿: small boat
  16. 瓜儿 guār: melon
    1. 香瓜儿: muskmelon
  17. 腿儿 tuǐr: leg
    1. 跑腿儿: to run errands
  18. 粒儿 lìr: 1. grain 2. bead 3. pill
    1. 米粒儿: a grain of rice
  19. 核儿 húr: pit; core; kernel
  20. 虫儿 chóngr: bug
    1. 小虫儿: little bug
    2. 跟屁虫儿: a suck-up; flatterer; sycophant; boot licker
  21. 鼻儿 bír: 1. a small hole (for sth. to be inserted into) 2. whistle 火车拉着鼻儿驶出车站。 The train starts out from the station with a blast of the whistle.
    1. 针鼻儿: the eye of a needle
    2. 门鼻儿: bolt staple of a door
  22. 刀儿 dāor: dollar 这东西三刀儿。This is three dollars.
  23. 坎儿 kǎnr: 1. uneven surface 2. obstacle 人生没有过不去的坎儿。There is nothing in life that can’t be overcome.
    1. 沟坎儿: ditch
    2. 门坎儿: 1. doorstep 2. threshold [also written as 门槛儿]
  24. 瓣儿 bànr:
    1. 花瓣儿: petal
    2. 豆瓣儿: segment of a bean
    3. 杏瓣儿: piece of almond
    4. 蒜瓣儿: clove of garlic
    5. 屁股瓣儿: but cheek
    6. 橘子瓣儿: segment of a tangerine
    7. 带瓣儿的: boy
  25. 裙儿 qúnr: 1. skirt 2. dress
    1. 连衣裙儿: dress
  26. 阄儿 jiūr: slip of paper used in a draw
    1. 抓阄儿: to draw lots
  27. 个儿 gèr: height; stature 这孩子个儿大。This kid is big and tall.
  28. 脚儿 jiǎor: foot
    1. 腿脚儿: 1. legs and feet 2. ability to walk 3. steps; strides
    2. 蹩脚儿: inferior; lousy; lame; shoddy 戏演得太蹩脚儿了。The acting really sucked.
  29. 像儿 xiàngr: 1. person’s appearance 2. threat to punish
  30. 水儿 shuǐr: water
    1. 汽水儿: 1. soft drink 2. brackish water
    2. 墨水儿: education; knowledge and learning 我没上过学,没有多少墨水儿。I haven’t been to university, I’m not at all educated.
    3. 香水儿: perfume
    4. 糖水儿: syrup
  31. 袋儿 dàir: 1. purse 2. pocket
    1. 香袋儿: scent-holder; sachet (of perfume)
  32. 汁儿 zhīr: juice
    1. 果汁儿: fruit juice
    2. 豆汁儿: soybean drink
  33. 人儿 rénr: 1. person 2. personality; character 3. figurine
  34. 火儿 huǒr: 1. fire 2. anger
    1. 发火儿: 1. to catch fire; to ignite 2. to detonate 2. to get angry
  35. 嘴儿 zuǐr: 1. mouth 2. eloquence 3. nozzle
    1. 围嘴儿: bib
    2. 努嘴儿: point with puckered lips
  36. 末儿 mòr: powder
    1. 锯末儿: sawdust
  37. 绳儿 shéngr: rope
    1. 头绳儿: hair-tie
  38. 脑儿 nǎor: 1. animal brains (as food) 2. brain-like substance as food
    1. 豆腐脑儿: jellied tofu
    2. 一股脑儿: completely; entirely
  39. 一堆儿 yīduīr: a pile; a heap
  40. 一下儿 yīxiàr: (used after a verb to indicate a sudden or brief action) 看一下儿 have a look
  41. 晚辈儿 wǎnbèir: younger generation
  42. 台阶儿 táijiēr: 1. flight of steps 2. way out of an awkward situation
  43. 火星儿 huǒxīngr: spark
  44. 树枝儿 shùzhīr: branch; twig
  45. 竹竿儿 zhúgānr: bamboo pole
  46. 面糊儿 miànhur: 1. flour paste 2. soft and floury
  47. 麦苗儿 màimiáor: wheat seedling
  48. 药方儿 yàofāngr: prescription
  49. 木橛儿 mùjuér: short wooden stake; peg
  50. 裤门儿 kùménr: fly (on one’s pants) [slang]
  51. 脑门儿 nǎoménr: forehead [slang]
  52. 蛐蛐儿 qūqur: cricket (insect) [slang]
  53. 后晌儿 hòushǎngr: afternoon [slang]
  54. 瓜子儿 guāzǐr: melon seeds
  55. 瓜秧儿 guāyāngr: young melon vine
  56. 蛋黄儿 dànhuángr: egg yolk
  57. 土坡儿 tǔpōr: slope
  58. 半截儿 bànjiér: 1. half of a section 2. half-finished
  59. 歪理儿 wāilǐr: preposterous argument; false reasoning
  60. 课件儿 kèjiànr: 1. courseware 2. course materials
  61. 板凳儿 bǎndèngr: wooden bench/stool
  62. 耳坠儿 ěrzhuìr: earring [synonym: 耳坠子]
  63. 窗帘儿 chuāngliánr: curtain
  64. 牙刷儿 yáshuār: toothbrush
  65. 脚丫儿 jiǎoyār: foot
  66. 嘴唇儿 zuǐchúnr: lips
  67. 发小儿 fāxiǎor: a childhood friend
  68. 勾魂儿 gōuhúnr: a superstition, cult or person which is so powerful it can suck the soul out of a person’s body
  69. 小河儿 xiǎohér: rivulet
  70. 小鸡儿 xiǎojīr: 1. chick 2. dick (of a baby/small boy)
  71. 小鞋儿 xiǎoxiér: trouble made by someone superior to oneself 别给他穿小鞋儿。Don’t make it hard for him.
  72. 小车儿 xiǎochēr: 1. wheelbarrow; handbarrow; handcart 2. sedan (car)
  73. 刀背儿 dāobèir: back of a knife blade
  74. 一手儿 yīshǒur: 1.proficiency; skill 2. trick; move 3. single-handedly; alone
  75. 单弦儿 dānxiánr: storytelling to musical accompaniment
  76. 唱腔儿 chàngqiāngr: operatic vocal music
  77. 门墩儿 méndūnr: wooden or stone block supporting the axle of a door
  78. 风斗儿 fēngdǒur: wind scoop (for winter ventilation)
  79. 拔罐儿 báguànr: cupping (form of traditional Chinese therapy)
  80. 宝盖儿 bǎogàir: Kangxi radical 40 宀
  81. 示补儿 shìbǔr: Kangxi radical 113 示 [synonym: 示字旁]
  82. 头顶儿 tóudǐngr: crown of the head
  83. 眼珠儿 yǎnzhūr: 1. eye ball 2. centre of attention
  84. 方格儿 fānggér: check; cross-hatch
  85. 嘎嘣儿 gābēngr: the sound of cracking nuts/etc. with one’s teeth 他说话嘎嘣儿脆。He speaks very clearly.
  86. 高招儿 gāozhāor: great strategy; wise move; bright idea; masterstroke 个村有个村的高招儿。Everyone has their own bright ideas.
  87. 胡同儿 hútòngr: 1. lane; alley 2. hutong 北京城里的胡同儿数不清。Beijing has a countless number of hutongs.
  88. 乖乖儿 guāiguāir: 1. darling (to a child) 2. well-behaved
  89. 哭穷儿 kūqióngr: to complain about being hard up; to pretend to be poor
  90. 绕远儿 ràoyuǎnr: to go the long way around
  91. 赶趟儿 gǎntàngr: 1. to be at the right time 2. to overtake; to catch up with
  92. 猜谜儿 cāimír: to guess a riddle
  93. 穿帮儿 chuānbāngr: 1. goof (in a film, play, etc.) 2. to let sth slip
  94. 刨根儿 páogēnr: to get to the bottom of sth
  95. 帮忙儿 bāngmángr: to help; to do sb a favour
  96. 顶牛儿 dǐngniúr: to be at loggerheads; to clash with sb
  97. 敞开儿 chǎngkāir: to open wide
  98. 打鸣儿 dǎmíngr: to crow at dawn (as a rooster)
  99. 赶明儿 gǎnmíngr: some other time [slang]
  100. 拔尖儿 bájiānr: 1. top-notch; outstanding 对我来说,一流的大学才能培养出拔尖儿的人才。In my opinion, only top universities can produce the most talented people. 2. to push oneself to the front
  101. 纳闷儿 nàmènr: puzzled; confused
  102. 胳膊肘儿 gēbozhǒur: elbow [synonym: 肘儿 zhǒur]
    1. 胳膊肘儿往里拐 to give favour to one’s relatives and friends
  103. 打水漂儿 dǎshuǐpiāor: to skip stones
  104. 夫妻店儿 fūqīdiànr: family-run shop

8 Comments to "104 More Common Erhuayin Words in Mandarin"

  1. exploer's Gravatar exploer
    28/05/2013 - 2:47 pm | Permalink


  2. James Stewart's Gravatar James Stewart
    22/11/2016 - 4:53 am | Permalink

    I notice that you list this word:
    屁股瓣儿: but cheek
    I understand you to mean the lower part of the anatomy formed by the glutius maximus. In that usage the words should be spelled butt rather than with one t. I have no idea why this is so.

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