Mrs Zhang, a Mandarin-speaking woman, is visiting the office of Mr Stevens, who teaches her son Andrew maths. Mr Stevens is concerned about Andrew’s grades dropping.
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Mandarin-English Dialogue #2 – Parent-Teacher Meeting
Dialogue Transcript
Mr Stevens: Hi, Mrs Zhang. How’s it going? I’m Mr Stevens, Andrew’s maths teacher. [你好,张女士。你好吗?我是史蒂文斯先生,安德鲁的数学老师。]
Mrs Zhang (张女士): 您好,Stevens先生。实在很抱歉,最近餐馆的生意太忙,上个星期四店里还出了点儿事,需要我来处理,所以拖到今天才和您见面,还请您多多包涵啊![Oh, hello Mr Stevens. Please accept my apologies. The restaurant has been busy of late. Last week we had an incident that needed to be taken care of, so I couldn’t meet you until today. Sorry about that.]
Mr Stevens: That’s quite all right. Please take a seat. [没关系,请坐。]
Mrs Zhang (张女士): 谢谢您啦!诶?这是您太太的照片吗?她长得真漂亮![Thank you. Is that a picture of your wife? She is so pretty.]
Mr Stevens: Yes it is. A pretty redhead, just like the PM. [是的,漂亮的红发,就象我们总理一样。]
Mrs Zhang (张女士): 恩,对了,您这次找我来是关于Andrew的事儿是吗?[Ah, yes. So I take it you wanted to see me about Andrew?]
Mr Stevens: Yes. We are concerned about his behaviour in class. A few times I have caught him napping during algebra and the other day one of the other teachers said they saw him sitting by himself during lunch. [是的。我们比较担心他上课的行为。有好几次我都抓到他在代数课上打盹,还有一天另外一位老师说看见午饭时间他一个人坐着。]
( … )
So have you noticed any major changes in him lately? [你有没有注意到最近他有大的变化?]
Mrs Zhang (张女士): 诶?没有啊!还和以前一样啊!就是上学,到乐队排练,打打冰球,去上中文课,再就是每个星期六去参加表演训练班。[No, I don’t think so. Just the same old routine – school, band practice, ice hockey, Chinese school. On Saturdays he has drama class.]
Mr Stevens: I see. We are concerned that maybe he is not getting enough sleep. Kids at his age need to have their downtime, otherwise they can’t perform well at school when it counts. [我明白了。我们担心他可能睡眠不足。这个年龄的孩子需要时间放松休息,否则关键时候在学校就不能好好表现。]
Mrs Zhang (张女士): 您说的似乎有些道理。我也不知道他到底怎么了。每个星期天我们做完礼拜后,他都会待在家里休息,而且那天我们也不会过分地逼他去排练小号。[Fair enough. I don’t know what’s going on with him. He has a rest on Sundays after church and we try not to push him too much to practice his trumpet on that day.]
Mr Stevens: How about brekkie? Is he having a good meal before he goes to school in the mornings? [早饭呢?早上来校前他都吃的好吗?]
Mrs Zhang (张女士): 对,这个当然啦!每天早晨我都会给他做烤面包和麦片,有的时候也会给他做些煎饼!我觉得最主要的问题是他不善于和别人交流,这个孩子太内向了![Yeah, yeah, of course. We give him toast and cereal, or sometimes I make him pancakes. I think the problem is he finds it hard to communicate with others. He’s so introverted!]
Mr Stevens: Yes, I understand. His grades are also dropping in maths, which is a shame because he used to be at the top of his class. [是的,我明了。他的数学成绩退步很可惜,因为他以前在班上可是名列前茅的。]
Mrs Zhang (张女士): Stevens先生,不要紧!回去我会督促他努力学习。我们还考虑准备给他请一位家教,您有认识的同事推荐一下吗? [Don’t worry, Mr Stevens. I will make sure he works harder. We are even thinking of getting a tutor. Do you have any colleagues you can recommend?]
Mr Stevens: I’m sure admin would be able to help you. They’re just down the hall. [我相信行政部门可以帮到你,办公室就沿着走廊方向过去就是。]
Mrs Zhang (张女士): Stevens先生,真不知道怎么感谢您!我们会尽全力让他尽快恢复状态。同时也祝您和您漂亮的太太复活节快乐![Thank you Mr Stevens, I really appreciate it. I will do my best to make sure Andrew gets his act together. I hope you and your pretty wife have a great Easter.]
Mr Stevens: No worries Mrs Zhang. It was great meeting you and I hope to see you again some time soon. See you. [不客气,张女士。很高兴和你会面,希望很快见到你。再见。]
Congratulations! Your mission is accomplished, Carl! 😀
Thanks for putting both Chinese and English translations, Carl! It’s Great!!! I really appreciate that!
thank you , amazing job , here i have a question , can the 恢复 in this dialgue be translated as get his act together or pull him together?
The two phrases are “get one’s act together” and “pull oneself together”. The former is more common in Australia.
Thanks, all of these translations are so helpful. And I get your website from the video named “BRADY留学梦-8090在澳洲“on YouTube . My English is not good and occasionally speak like Chinglish. Thanks again for your amazing jobs.