Avoiding Chinglish – Call for Essay Samples

Recently I have been working on a new project which I was hoping my Chinese students who are learning English could help me out with. I have been writing an e-book how about how to avoid writing Chinglish in formal English. The book will cover everything from grammar to style to high-quality vocabulary and structures.

Anyway, I am currently in need of some authentic sample essays written by Chinese students learning English.

Everyone who sends me an essay will get a free copy of the e-book when it is published online over the next month or so.

Here’s the proposed topic:

Over the past decade we have witnessed the emergence of social networking websites such as Myspace, Facebook and Twitter. These websites have allowed users to stay up-to-date with friends and family, as well as developments in the news and current events.

However, do these benefits outweigh their potential privacy concerns and detrimental psychological effects? Give examples as well as your opinion about this controversial issue.

Please structure your essay with an introduction (stating the purpose of your essay), body (providing topics and examples) and conclusion (summarising your essay’s logic and giving recommendations about the future).

Word count: 300 words

Deadline: Extended to Monday 13 June 2011

Send essays to: info AT carlgene DOT com

I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s responses.

And remember: the more mistakes you make the more you can improve!

10 Comments to "Avoiding Chinglish – Call for Essay Samples"

  1. 26/05/2011 - 11:15 pm | Permalink

    I’ll try and get some of my students to give me their essay’s, then I’ll send them to you with their e-mails.

    • Linda Cheung's Gravatar Linda Cheung
      18/08/2011 - 9:11 am | Permalink

      Hey HuShiwei, please note the correct use of the possessive apostrophe. In your reply, you should have written “essays” – the plural of essay, not “essay’s”. Cheers.

  2. Xuchen's Gravatar Xuchen
    04/06/2011 - 5:52 pm | Permalink

    “the more mistakes you more you can improve!”???

    Was this done on purpose? Am I just thick?

    Great site!

  3. Mitersky's Gravatar Mitersky
    30/08/2011 - 10:26 pm | Permalink

    Hi guys! I have just found this web-site accidentally through Google. I’m also interested in reading essays written by Chinese students (I’m trying to study the phenomenon of code switching, the second language acquisition). Would you be so kind as to share some of the essays?
    I am a young Russian linguist, but unfortunately have no opportunity to find such valuable data.
    Thank you in advance. I will kindly appreciate your assistance.

  4. Li Wei's Gravatar Li Wei
    03/05/2012 - 12:34 am | Permalink

    It’s a fantastic website! I don’t know if you’ve read Joan Pinkham’s The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish. You may check it out. It’s really helpful.

  5. Chris's Gravatar Chris
    17/12/2013 - 4:33 pm | Permalink

    “In recent years, following the rapid development of the global economy, …” 🙂

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