135 Personalities in Mandarin and English

100 Personalities in Mandarin with English Translations

  1. 乐观 lèguān – optimistic
  2. 悲观 bēiguān – pessimistic
  3. 内向 nèixiàng – introverted
  4. 外向 wàixiàng – extroverted
  5. 自信 zìxìn – self-confident
  6. 豁达 huòdá – 1. optimistic 2. open-minded
  7. 风趣 fēngqù – witty
  8. 忠诚 zhōngchéng – loyal
  9. 谨慎 jǐnshèn – cautious
  10. 耿直 gěngzhí – honest and just
  11. 机智 jīzhì – 1. quick-witted 2. resourceful
  12. 务实 wùshí – pragmatic
  13. 博学 bóxué – learned
  14. 感性 gǎnxìng – emotional
  15. 理性 lǐxìng – rational
  16. 优雅 yōuyǎ – graceful; elegant
  17. 随和 suíhé – laidback; easy-going
  18. 含蓄 hánxù – reserved
  19. 慷慨 kāngkǎi – generous
  20. 果断 guǒduàn – decisive
  21. 利索 lìsuǒ – quick on one’s feet; nimble; sprightly [of old people]
  22. 忍耐 rěnnài – tolerant; patient
  23. 寡言 guǎyán – quiet; taciturn [formal]
  24. 冲动 chōngdòng – impulsive; impetuous [formal]
  25. 踏实 tàshí – down-to-earth
  26. 豪爽 háoshuǎng – direct and straight-forward; forthright [formal]
  27. 勤奋 qínfèn – hardworking; diligent [formal]
  28. 开放 kāifàng – open-minded; liberal; progressive
  29. 好客 hàokè – hospitable
  30. 细心 xìxīn – 1. attentive 2. meticulous
  31. 孝顺 xiàoshùn – filial [formal]; loyal or obedient to one’s parents
  32. 稳重 wěnzhòng – stable
  33. 柔弱 róuruò – 1. weak 2. delicate
  34. 冷淡 lěngdàn – cold and indifferent; aloof
  35. 冷漠 lěngmò – cold; detached; apathetic; indifferent
  36. 自嘲 zìcháo – self-deprecating
  37. 自卑 zìbēi – have an inferiority complex; self-abasing [formal]
  38. 狭隘 xiá’ài – narrow-minded
  39. 虚伪 xūwěi – 1. hypocritical 2. fake
  40. 愚笨 yúbèn – 1. foolish 2. clumsy
  41. 无知 wúzhī – ignorant
  42. 迷信 míxìn – superstitious
  43. 保守 bǎoshǒu – conservative
  44. 随便 suíbiàn – 1. casual 2. promiscious
  45. 现实 xiànshí – realistic
  46. 孤僻 gūpì – antisocial
  47. 懒惰 lǎnduò – lazy
  48. 封闭 fēngbì – closed off; unreceptive [formal]
  49. 单纯 dānchún – pure; innocent
  50. 幼稚 yòuzhì – childish; naive
  51. 呆板 áibǎn/dāibǎn – 1. stiff; inflexible 2. dull
  52. 吝啬 lìnsè – stingy; mean; miserly [formal]
  53. 抠门 kōumén – stingy; cheap
  54. 淡定 dàndìng – calm and collected
  55. 大胆 dàdǎn – bold; daring; fearless
  56. 胆小 dǎnxiǎo – cowardly
  57. 活泼 huópo – cheerful; chipper; vivacious [formal]
  58. 坦率 tǎnshuài – frank [neutral]; blunt [negative]
  59. 正直 zhèngzhí – upright
  60. 准时 zhǔnshí – punctual
  61. 体贴 tǐtiē – considerate; thoughtful
  62. 明智 míngzhì – wise
  63. 英明 yīngmíng – wise
  64. 古怪 gǔguài – eccentric
  65. xiōng – aggressive; hostile; belligerant [formal]
  66. 笨拙 bènzhuō – clumsy
  67. 变态 biàntài – perverted
  68. 轻浮 qīngfú – frivolous; flippant
  69. 愚蠢 yúchǔn – foolish
  70. 健忘 jiànwàng – forgetful
  71. 贪婪 tānlán – greedy
  72. chán – 1. gluttonous 2. greedy
  73. 刻薄 kèbó – mean
  74. 天真 tiānzhēn – naïve
  75. 淫荡 yíndàng – dirty; lewd [formal]; licentious [formal]
  76. 下流 xiàliú – vulgar [formal]
  77. 好色 hàosè – dirty; lecherous [formal]
  78. 缺德 quēdé – wicked; mean
  79. 卑鄙 bēibǐ – despicable; base [formal]
  80. tǔ – unsophisticated
  81. 怕羞 pàxiū – shy; timid; bashful [formal]
  82. 腼腆 miǎntiǎn – shy; timid; bashful [formal]
  83. 合群 héqún – sociable
  84. 懂事 dǒngshì – 1. sensible 2. obedient; well-behaved
  85. jiàn – nasty; bitchy
  86. 多变 duōbiàn – fickle
  87. 鲁莽 lǔmǎng – reckless; hot-headed
  88. 挑剔 tiāoti – picky; fussy
  89. 顽固 wángù – stubborn; obstinate [formal]
  90. 肤浅 fūqiǎn – superficial; shallow
  91. 自恋 zìliàn – narcissistic [formal]
  92. 臭美 chòuměi – vain
  93. 任性 rènxìng – headstrong; willful
  94. 粗鲁 cūlǔ – rude; abrupt
  95. 健壮 jiànzhuàng – strong; healthy; athletic
  96. 幽默 yōumò – funny; hilarious; humorous
  97. 搞笑 gǎoxiào – funny; hilarious
  98. zhái – nerdy; s/he is a homebody
  99. 节俭 jiéjiǎn – frugal; thrifty
  100. 神经质 shénjīngzhì – neurotic


35 Bonus Personalities in English with Chinese Translations

Note: Many of these words do not have exact equivalents in Chinese, so the translations below are given for reference only.

  1. affectionate [showing care and love for people] – 表示关爱的
  2. ambitious [having a strong desire to succeed] – 志向远大的
  3. boastful [often talking about oneself in a very good way] – 自夸的
  4. bossy [always telling people what to do] – 爱指挥人的;专横的
  5. callous [not caring about other people’s feelings] – 冷酷无情的
  6. charming [polite, friendly and likeable] – 有魅力的
  7. childish [behaving like a child] – 有孩子气气的;有童真的
  8. clingy [overly emotionally dependent] – 粘的
  9. compassionate [feeling or showing sympathy for people who are suffering] – 有同情心的
  10. cultured [having good manners, taste and education] – 有文化的
  11. cynical [believing that people only do things to help themselves rather than for good or honest reasons] – 愤世嫉俗的
  12. debonair [of a man; confident, stylish and charming] – 温文尔雅的
  13. domineering [trying to control others without considering their feelings] – 专横的
  14. emotional [showing strong emotions, sometimes in a way that other people think is unnecessary] – 情绪化的;感情冲动的
  15. energetic [having a lot of energy and enthusiasm] – 精力充沛的;积极的;活泼的
  16. entertaining [interesting and amusing] – 给人带来娱乐的;有趣的;使人愉快的
  17. flirtatious [behaving in a way that shows a sexual attraction to sb that is not serious] – 爱调情的
  18. girly [like a girl; effeminate] – 娘娘腔的
  19. grouchy [bad-tempered and often complaining] – 脾气不好并常发牢骚的
  20. gullible [easily believing in what others say] – 轻信他人的
  21. likeable [pleasant and easy to like] – 讨人喜欢的
  22. malicious [spiteful; having hatred and desire to hurt others] – 怀有恶意的;心怀怨恨的
  23. manipulative [good at forcing people to do what you want] – 善于操纵的
  24. manly [like a man] – 有男人味的
  25. materialistic [believing that money and possessions are the most important things in life] – 物质主义的; 很物质的
  26. moody [having moods that change quickly and often] – 情绪多变的
  27. obnoxious [extremely unpleasant and offending others] – 极讨厌的
  28. outdoorsy [fond of the outdoors] – 爱好野外活动的
  29. self-centered [tending to think only about yourself and not thinking about the needs or feelings of others] – 自我中心的;自私自利的
  30. self-righteous [feeling that what one believes is morally right and what others believe is wrong] – 自已以为正值的
  31. snobby [believing that one’s taste is better than others or that one is of a social higher class than others] – 势利眼的
  32. suave [of a man; charming, confident and elegant, especially in a way that seems insincere] – 温文尔雅的
  33. talkative [like talking a lot] – 爱说话的; 很能侃; 貧嘴的
  34. thick-skinned [not easily hurt by people’s criticisms] – 厚脸皮的
  35. trustworthy [able to be relied on as honest or truthful] – 值得信任的

21 Comments to "135 Personalities in Mandarin and English"

  1. 郝先生's Gravatar 郝先生
    28/07/2012 - 12:26 am | Permalink


  2. Joseph Lemien's Gravatar Joseph Lemien
    28/07/2012 - 9:47 pm | Permalink

    Great list! Thanks for some excellent new vocab.

  3. 30/07/2012 - 10:26 pm | Permalink

    I looked in vain for 霸道

  4. 30/07/2012 - 10:35 pm | Permalink

    I thought talkative was 贫嘴 or just 贫.

  5. 30/07/2012 - 10:35 pm | Permalink

    And thick-skinned is 脸皮厚.

  6. 31/07/2012 - 7:16 pm | Permalink

    Well, 脸皮厚 (obviously enough) means ‘face-skin is thick’, while 厚脸皮 means ‘thick face-skin’. In a sentence the first one to me sounds more natural — 那个人脸皮厚 ‘that person’s face skin is thick’ sounds better than 那个人有厚脸皮 ‘that person has thick face-skin’. But it might be better to check with a native speaker first!

  7. 刘's Gravatar
    05/08/2012 - 1:26 am | Permalink

    O(∩_∩)O哈哈~有种倒着看单词表的感觉~!Good job~!

  8. Adam's Gravatar Adam
    15/08/2012 - 10:06 am | Permalink

    合群 always sounded so sinister to me… A coworker of mine was once fired for being ‘不合群’, which made me think it meant more ‘obedient’ than ‘sociable’, especially considering the place I worked.

  9. Adam's Gravatar Adam
    15/08/2012 - 10:12 am | Permalink

    Also, doesn’t 轻浮 have mildly sexual connotations? I’ve only heard it used by offended women in bars, ‘那个人讲话实在太轻浮了!’
    Proposed translation: ‘Fresh! *slaps on cheek*’

  10. Marie's Gravatar Marie
    15/08/2012 - 8:36 pm | Permalink

    Hi Carlgene, 上個月無意中發現你的網頁,真是高興萬分! 謝謝你無私的分享你的知識及常識,讓 很多人受益.
    你年記輕就有這麼的有成就,我只能說你有天份.祝福你平安喜樂 健康快樂!!

  11. 01/09/2012 - 10:25 pm | Permalink


  12. 10/02/2013 - 4:50 am | Permalink

    Awesome translations. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  13. Gordon's Gravatar Gordon
    20/03/2014 - 3:04 pm | Permalink


  14. Jason's Gravatar Jason
    31/03/2014 - 7:37 am | Permalink

    9. 谨慎 jǐnshèn – cautious. I will use “discreet”

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